Because the sort keys are generated automatically (see Section 1.7), entries can sometimes be sorted incorrectly. There are two constructs for changing the keys generated: ignore and replace.
Ignore: Use this if there is a word or part word which should not affect the sort order (eg. articles). Enclose the text to be ignored in curly braces ({}). The braces are not included in the final output.
Replace: Use this is there is some text which needs to be sorted as something else. Use the follow syntax:
{original text|replacement text}
The braces, vertical bar and replacement text are not included in the final output.
Example 1-6. Changing the sort order
{2,4-}dinitrophenylhydrazine sorts as: dinitrophenylhydrazine is output as: 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine {Mc|Mac}Donald sorts as: MacDonald is output as: McDonald
Note: Due to an implementation detail the two mechanisms can be combined to enclose some text that neither affects sorting nor is included in the final output.
{|{text to ignore}}
idxsorter uses this for the --show-keys options.