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Georgian England  15
French Revolution  15
Eliot, George
  *Adam Bede*  15
labourers  16
political institutions  16
England  16
English-speaking people  17
paternalism  16
cultural consensus  16
industrialisation  17
*nouveaux riches*  17
French revolution  17
Cambridge Group for the History of Population  18
  {|0}births  18
  {|1}marriages  17 
  {|2}deaths  17
Anglicans  19
  {|5}wages  19
Glorious Revolution (1688)  19
Peace of Amiens (1802)  19
  {|4}prices  20
Casanova  21
George III, king  21
Saussure, Cèsar de  21
Montbron, Fougeret de  21
Gibbon, Edward  21
War of the Spanish Succession  21
Seven Years War  21
Revolutionary Wars  21
Napoleonic Wars  21
Turner, Thomas  21
Cobbett, William  22
George III, king  22
Hogarth, William  22
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley  22
Sun King *see* Louis XIV
Louis XIV  22
English army  23
Gibbon, Edward  23
Royal Navy  23
sailors  23
soldiers  23
sailors *see also* Royal Navy
Royal Navy *see also* sailors
merchant marine  23
press-gang  23
merchant marine *see also* sailors
sailors *see also* merchant marine
Misson, Henri  23
duelling  23
York, Duke of  23
Hamilton, Duke of  23
Mohun, Lord  23
Rugby  23
Winchester School  23
rugby  23
Fox, Charles James
  {as seen by} themselves  22
Herbert, Henry  23
  {as seen by} foreigners  24
swearing  23
Johnson, Dr  23
Moritz, Karl  23
Carr, Henry  24
Wesley, John  24
English climate  24
Byng, John  24
Southey  24
English towns  25
industry  25-26
King, Gregory  26
rural economy  26
serfs  26 
starvation  26
Black Death  27
  {|3}infant mortality  27
Gibbon, Edward  27
Anne, queen  27
disease  27
infant mortality  27
death rate  27
King, Gregory  28
Wesley, John  29
poverty  29
causes of death  28-29
National Debt  29
Johnson, Dr  29
Taylor, John  29
social hierarcy  30
*Beggar's Opera*  30
Wesley, Jane  30

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