Old idxtools news
Version 0.0.2
- idxsorter 0.0.2
- Added a check for possible missing double spaces separating the heading
from the page refs.
- Added a check for different headings that sort the same.
- Portability improvements -- builds under HP-UX with aCC.
- idxkeygen 0.0.1
- Accepts file names of indexes on the command line. The output is then
written to a file with a name suitable for idxsorter.
- idxalphabetize 0.0.0
- New. Adds alphabet headings to a sorted index.
- idxconvert 0.1.0
- Searches for converter programs to use in executable search path.
- Asks user whether they wish to add alphabet headings with
- A precompiled Windows version.
Version 0.0.1
- idxsorter 0.0.1
- Fixed bug in missing newline handler.
- idxsort 0.0.1 and idxconvert 0.0.1
- Rewritten in Perl (therefore bash is no longer required).
- Accept --help and --version options.
- Minor changes for improved portability -- builds under Win32 using
- configure automatically modifies #! line of scripts.
Created by David Vrabel (dv207@cam.ac.uk).
Last modified on 14-01-2001.